Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tracking your Impact

Today’s topic is about tracking the value you have added to operations through our process improvements.  I wanted to be able to quantify the cost savings I have created by streamlining certain office processes. So I have written the following code to help me do this.

Sub UseCount()
Dim Fname As String
Dim Uname As String
Dim UDate As String
Dim utime As String
Dim MacName As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
MacName = "Acct - Plan vs Act "
Uname = Application.UserName
UDate = DateTime.Date$
utime = Format(Now(), "m-d-yy-h-mm")
Fname = MacName & Uname & " " & utime
Open "\\Srv01\Macros\" & Fname & ".txt" For Output As 1
Close #1
GoTo error_skip:

End Sub

What this code does is places an empty text file in a folder that contains, Macro name, User Name and a date and time stamp. With each macro I recommend documenting the time savings for each process. At anytime you can quantify how much time and money you have saved your company. If the process used to take an hour a week, and now it takes only two minutes there is a significant savings to the company over the course of a year. If multiple users utilize your tools the savings is even greater.
When I write a macro for someone I add this to the end. Then modify the macro name to identify the process. You will want to path this to somewhere on your company network that everyone has access to.
The sample screen shot to the right shows the use of one of my macros over the last year. It saves an hour a week. As you build more tools you can see how quickly you can accumulate a years worth of man hour savings for the company.
This kind of data can be very helpful when your next review comes around!

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